2024-2025 School Supply List
Dewey L Carter Supply Lists 2024-2025
Download the the Dewey L Carter School Supply List
***All students will need a book bag (rolling not allowed)***
1- pack Elmer’s glue sticks (small and unscented)
2 - packs of 12 ct. colored pencils
4 - 8 ct packs of Crayola crayons (not jumbo)
1 - zipper pencil pouch
1 - pack of white computer paper
4- pack of pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
1- pair of student scissors
1- pack Black expo markers (fat tip)
1- bottle of hand sanitizer
1 - pack of Clorox wipes
1- can of Lysol spray
1 - pack of baby wipes
2 – boxes of Tissues
1 – box of gallon Ziploc bags
1 - box of quart Ziploc bags (boys bring)
1 - box of sandwich Ziploc bags (girls bring)
1 - set of headphones
First Grade
5 - JUMBO glue sticks
1 - pack white printer paper
2 - plastic pocket folders with inner clasps (one green, one red)
1 - child’s scissors
3 - Primary marble journals
3 - 24 pack crayons
1 - zipper pencil pouch (NO pencil boxes)
2 - 12 pack colored pencils
2 - 4 pack dry erase SKINNY markers (black only)
2 - 12 pack #2 yellow pencils (ticonderoga)
4 - pink chunky erasers
1 - HEADPHONES (Not earbuds)
2- Baby/Clorox wipes
2- Boxes of Kleenex tissues
1- Bottles of hand sanitizer
2- Paper towels
1- box of quart Ziploc bags
1- box of gallon Ziploc bags
*Please DO NOT write your child’s name on supplies.
Second Grade
6 - glue sticks
1 - highlighter
2 - packs of crayons (24 crayons)
2 - pink chunk erasers
1 - pair of scissors
1 - pack of cap erasers
1 - pack of printer paper
1 - pack of wide-ruled notebook paper
1 - pack of 4 dry erase markers Ziploc bags
4 - marble composition notebooks
3 - packs of Ticonderoga pencils
1- zipper pencil pouch (no pencil boxes)
Paper towels
Lysol/Clorox wipes
Hand sanitizer
Third Grade
5 - marble composition books
1 - pack of dry erase markers
2 - 24 pack of Crayola crayons
1 - pack of Crayola colored pencils
2 - packs of white computer copy paper
3 - boxes of Kleenex
3 - packs of pencils
1 - student scissors
6 - Large glue sticks
2- packs of notebook paper
1- headphones not earbuds
No pencil boxes
Clorox wipes
Sandwich & Gallon Ziploc bags
Hand sanitizer
Fourth Grade
3 - black & white composition notebooks
3 - boxes of facial tissues (Kleenex)
2 - pack (24 count) #2 Ticonderoga pencils (pre-sharpened preferred)
1 - pack (24 count or less) crayons
2- Jumbo glue sticks
2- Lysol Wipes
2 - bottles of hand sanitizer
1- Pack of pencil top erasers
Earbuds or headphones
1- roll of paper towels
1 pack of copy paper
1 can Clorox/Lysol spray
2 pocket folder
Fifth Grade
1- Pair of Headphones
2- One-inch Binders
3- Packs of Notebook Paper
2- Packs of Pencils
1- Pack of Dry-Erase Markers
2- Packs of 100 4x6 Index Cards
1- Pack of Cap Erasers
1- Package of 8 Dividers
1- Pack of Colored Pencils
1- Marble Composition Book (not spiral bound)
1- Container of Lysol/Clorox Wipes
2- Boxes of Kleenex
2- Bottles of Hand Sanitizer
1- Roll of Paper Towels