2023-2024 School Supply List
All students will need & bookbag (rolling not allowed)
4 - Elmer’s glue sticks
1 - pack of large pink erasers
2 - packs of colored pencils
4 - boxes of 24 Crayola crayons
1 - pencil box (no pouches)
1 - pack of white computer paper
1 - pack of pencils
1 - pair of student scissors
2 - bottle of hand sanitizer
2 - packs of Clorox wipes
2 - boxes of tissues
1 - box of quart Ziploc bags
1 - box of gallon Ziploc bags
1 - set of headphones (preferred) or earbuds (*Please write your child’s name on them and make sure they fit your child’s ears.)
5 - JUMBO glue sticks
1 - pack white printer paper
2 - plastic pocket folders with inner clasps (one green and one red)
1 - child’s scissors
3 - marble notebooks
3 - 24 pack crayons
1 - zipper pencil pouch (no pencil boxes)
2 - 12 pack colored pencils
2 - 4 pack SKINNY dry erase markers (black)
2 - 12 pack #2 pencils
4 - pink chunky erasers (no cap erasers)
1 - pair of headphones (not ear buds)
Baby & Clorox wipes
Hand sanitizer
Ziploc Bags
6 - glue sticks
1 - highlighter
2 - packs of crayons (24 crayons)
2 - pink chunk erasers
1 - pair of scissors
1 - pack of cap erasers
1 - pack of printer paper
1 - pack of wide-ruled notebook paper
1 - pack of 4 dry erase markers
4 - marble composition notebooks
3 - packs of Ticonderoga pencils
Paper towels
Ziploc bags
Lysol/Clorox wipes
Hand sanitizer
5 - marble composition books
1 - pack of dry erase markers
2 - 24 packs of Crayola crayons
2 - large pink erasers
1 - pack of Crayola colored pencils
2 - packs of white computer copy paper
1 - pencil pouch *with zipper*
2 - boxes of Kleenex
3 - packs of pencils
1 - student scissors
6 - Larger glue sticks
Headphones (not earbuds)
Clorox wipes
Sandwich & Gallon Ziploc bags
Hand sanitizer
3 - black & white composition notebooks
3 - boxes of facial tissues (Kleenex)
1 - pack (24 count) #2 Ticonderoga pencils
1 - pack (24 count or less) crayons
2-3 - glue sticks
2 - Lysol Wipes
2 - bottles of hand sanitizer
1 - pencil pouch (not box)
Pack of pencil top erasers
Earbuds or headphones
1 pack of wide-2023-2024 Supply Listruled notebook paper
1 can Clorox/Lysol spray
1 roll of paper towels
2 pocket folder
4 - 1 inch binders
5 - packs of notebook paper
2 - packs of pencils
1 - pack of dry erase markers
2 - packs of 100 index cards
1 - pack of cap erasers
1 - zipper binder pencil pouch
1 - package of 8 dividers
1 - pack color pencils
1 - pair scissors
1 - pair of headphones
Boys Bring: tissues and hand sanitizer
Girls Bring: hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes